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CAD tip # 7723:
If you want to quickly close (abandon, quit) all drawings opened in your AutoCAD session, without saving and without any prompts and questions, you can use the following VisualLISP macro:
;Quit all drawings without saving (CAD Studio - (vl-load-com) (defun C:QuitAll ( / dwg) (vlax-for dwg (vla-get-Documents (vlax-get-acad-object)) (if (= (vla-get-active dwg) :vlax-false)(vla-close dwg :vlax-false)) ) (command "._close" "_y") )Save this code to a LSP file (or download the ready-made QuitAll.lsp) and load it in AutoCAD using APPLOAD. The command QuitAll then closes all opened drawings and leaves AutoCAD in a "zero-doc" state. Please use this command carefully - all unsaved changes will be lost!
To quit multiple DWG drawings including optional save, use the Express Tools command QQUIT.

applies to: AutoCAD ·