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CAD tip CAD tip # 11188:


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Your DWG dimension objects got disassociated (disjoined) and show exclamation marks in yellow boxes.

This may be caused e.g. by an inadverent move of the dimensioning objects against their source (dimensioned) geometry. You can reassociate the disassociated dimensions one by one using the DIMREASSOCIATE command.

But if you need to restore the dimension associativity in the whole drawing in one go, you can use the CAD Studio's freeware utility Re-Assoc. Download this tool from Download, load it with APPLOAD and type the command RE-ASSOC.

But first you may need to move your dimensions back to their original location, so that their definition points (dots) are located on the respektive points of the dimensioned geometry - if you have pushed them, push them back. Then use the RE-ASSOC command to restore associativity of all selected dimensions.

100% *CAD
30.11.2016    13117×  
applies to: AutoCAD ·

See also:
Tip 11823:Associative dimensions in drawing views of a 3D model in AutoCAD.
Tip 10356:Beware of the option Disjoin when moving elements in Revit.
Tip 8710:Annotation monitor in AutoCAD 2013.
Tip 8177:How to convert an existing hatch to associative?

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