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CAD tip CAD tip # 8177:


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There is no universal method for automatic conversion of an non-associative hatch to an associative one (kind of "DimReassociate" command for hatchures) - you cannot detect automatically which geometry should be the boundary associative with your hatch.

Though there is a "Recreate boundary" function in the AutoCAD ribbon (and in the HATCHEDIT dialog) but it performs a slightly different function - it re-constructs the boundary of an non-associatve hatch and inserts it as a new curve to the drawing (optionally making it associative with the hatch). So in the standard case you will end up with two boundary curves - the original one (still not associated) and the new overlaid one.

The closest functionality for reassociation can be achieved with the menu macro


- select the hatch and then the internal point or boundary objects that will make an associative boundary.

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See also:
Tip 13802:Dual-color hatches in AutoCAD.
Tip 13788:Green square - mathematical charade and parametric constraints in AutoCAD.
Tip 12429:HatchOverlap - check for any overlapping hatches in a DWG
Tip 11751:toMulti converts polylines to multi-lines driven by a definition table.
Tip 11037:How to hatch area defined by border points, not geometry?

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