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CAD tip CAD tip # 7919:


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AutoCAD 2012 and LT 2012 support also the PSD image file format, the format of raster images and photos from Adobe Photoshop. So you can use the standard IMAGEATTACH command to load (attach) Photoshop images into your DWG drawings. AutoCAD can also handle the layered PSD files.

You can try it with a sample World map PSD file available on - start the Image attach dialog and in the "File name" box, type or copy/paste:

AutoCAD should display a similar image:

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See also:
Tip 14347:PDFIMPORT - No objects were imported.
Tip 14133:IMAGEATTACH reports Invalid file when attaching some SID images.
Tip 13824:How to export OBJ including materials, textures from Inventor?
Tip 13557:How to create an image with transparent background in Fusion 360?
Tip 13234:How to place a GeoTIFF image automatically into the correct position?

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