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CAD tip CAD tip # 7428:


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If your drawing doesn't display block attributes (even standard attributes not marked as "invisible"), check the setting of the ATTDISP command.

This command offers the following options:

  • Normal - restores the standard attribute visibility: visible attributes are displayed, invisible ones are hidden
  • On - all attributes will be visible (also the attributes marked as "invisible")
  • Off - sets all attributes as invisible, hidden (even the standard "visible" attributes)
100% *CAD
28.6.2010    18243×  

See also:
Tip 14402:What is the difference between the BLOCKREPLACE, BREPLACE, REPLACEBLOCK, RIBLOCK and BLKREDEF commands?
Tip 14386:Visual catalog of blocks defined in a DWG drawing.
Tip 14361:Extended ATTOUT/ATTIN for block attribute management in Excel (also for LT).
Tip 14304:How to generate a report of used blocks including their visibility status in AutoCAD LT?
Tip 14285:How to identify duplicate blocks in AutoCAD DWG drawings? SelDupBlk.

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