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CAD tip CAD tip # 4201:

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How to find an intersection of a line and 3D face?

A - answer You can use CAL and the AutoCAD Geometric calculator for this - with its function ILP.

Try e.g. the command:

'_CAL ILP(end,end,end,end,end)  
and pick first the two endpoints of the line (ray) and then three distinct points defining the 3D face.

Another way (thanks Nuno) is to use the MIRROR3D command - the 3D face will be the mirror plane, and the intersection of the line and its mirror image will be the desired point.

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See also:
Tip 9357:Intersection of a 3D curve with a 3D surface in AutoCAD.
Tip 2537:How to find the shortest distance between a point and plane?
Tip 1183:How to get the center gravity of an area?
Tip 832:How to osnap to the center of rectangle?

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