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CAD tip CAD tip # 4309:


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You can set line spacing in AutoCAD MText (since R2000i); for DText it is set in the font definition (you can define it in the SHX font).

In MTexts (paragraph text) you can set line spacing either to "At least" or "Exactly". "At least" means that the smallest line height is given by the height of the used text. "Exactly" means fixed line spacing independent on the text height.

See the Properties window (Ctrl+1) for MText objects and the TSPACETYPE and TSPACEFAC variables and the -MText command (commandline version, the Line spacing option).

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See also:
Tip 14238:How to combine fractions and subscripts/superscripts in MText?
Tip 13426:Use of alternative units for arithmetic in dimensions (without square brackets).
Tip 13221:Attractor - snap multiple objects to existing points/vertices.
Tip 13139:How to insert a new line into multiline text in the Find/Replace command?
Tip 12803:How to add double line-spacing to AutoCAD paragraphs?

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