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CAD tip CAD tip # 5625:


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If you want to generate 3D creepers for your buildings or other objects from CAD applications, you can use the free Windows utility Ivy Generator [url verified 6/2007].

This "Ivy generator" asks for several parameters and generates a climbing plant rambling over walls and other surfaces of the loaded 3D model (building, construction, statue, etc.). It generates vegetation with stalks and leafs - including attached materials for rendering.

After loading of your 3D scene (building) double click in the scene to place the ivy root and press Grow. You can stop the growth anytime and press Birth to generate the 3D model (mesh).

The CAD Studio building with rambling ivy, in Autodesk VIZ

Ivy rendering

The input and output formats of the Ivy Generator program are .OBJ files. OBJ files can be directly processed e.g. in Autodesk 3ds max or Autodesk Maya. You can use external tools to convert .OBJ files to/from DWG (e.g. for AutoCAD) - some are even free - e.g. VIP Tip.
100% *CAD
19.6.2007    38735×  
applies to: AutoCAD · AutoCAD Architecture · VIZ · 3ds Max · Maya · Revit ·

See also:
Tip 14349:12 free material texture libraries for PBR rendering.
Tip 13873:How to load GeoJSON data into AutoCAD, Map, Civil 3D, Infraworks?
Tip 13404:How to import an IFC file in AutoCAD?
Tip 13402:Which products and features can I use for free with Flex Token licensing?
Tip 13006:Calculated property descriptions (tobogan slide from floor to floor)

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