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CAD tip CAD tip # 5636:


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DXE are binary files with templates (settings) for extraction of attribute and geometry data with the AutoCAD (2008 and higher) command DATAEXTRACTION.

You can modify the DXE files with the above mentioned command. Older AutoCAD versions used the .BLK files.

100% *CAD
27.6.2007    21596×  

See also:
Tip 14304:How to generate a report of used blocks including their visibility status in AutoCAD LT?
Tip 14039:How to display the total volume or surface of 3D solids in DWG?
Tip 13784:Export block coordinates to a table. How to use the DATAEXTRACTION command in AutoCAD LT?
Tip 13091:3DSolSz - list of dimensions of selected 3D solids.
Tip 11898:Automatic schedule - number of blocks in a drawing.

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