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CAD tip CAD tip # 5871:


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AutoCAD 2008 (SP0, Civil3D 2008 with SP1) inserts annotation scales from attached Xrefs. After several edit sessions, this process can lead to bloated DWGs which are loading slowly.

The CADstudio's DBXremSL utility cleans your AutoCAD 2008 DWG files. It scans all your drawing files in the specified folder and removes the excessive annotation scales present in those DWG files.

You can run the DBXremSL utility in an empty drawing - unlike other utilites, it will not process the active drawing but all DWG files in the specified directory.

Only the individual DWG files are processed, their possible external references (xrefs) are not included automatically (you have to re-run the tool on xrefs). DBXremSL uses the ObjectDBX library for direct access to DWG contents - so the DWG files are processed much faster than in full AutoCAD sessions or in scripts (e.g. ScriptPro).

DBXremSL will remove ALL scale definitions (except the default ones) from your drawings - whether they are used or not. If you want to strip only Xref-induced scales, you can use "Safe mode" of this tool - this will remove only scales named "*_XREF_XREF*". See the Readme for details.

The accompanying DBXscanSL tool generates a report on all DWG files, listing the number of annotation scales stored in the individual DWGs.

You can download DBXremSL (with DBXscanSL) from Download.

Another option for removing excessive annotation scales is the "Scale List Cleanup Utility" by Autodesk for AutoCAD 2008 and 2009 - see Download.

100% *CAD
23.11.2007    52541×   FAQ  

See also:
Tip 13437:Zoom on predefined annotation scales.
Tip 13286:Markup assistant with intelligent character recognition.
Tip 11830:How to influence linetype scale or color for hidden edges in documentation views?
Tip 11757:How to change blocks properties ex-post: annotative, allow exploding, scale uniformly
Tip 11729:Select objects by annotation scale.

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