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CAD tip CAD tip # 5889:


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If you want to scale an object, or a group of objects, or the whole DWG drawing with different (independent) values of X-, Y- and Z-scales, you can use blocks.

Non-uniform scaling (resizing) can be done by enclosing the scaled entities into a block and then reinserting this block in a non-uniform scale (X/Y/Z).

Use the BLOCK command to make a block from the entities you want to resize. Then use INSERT to bring these objects back. You can enter different scale factors when specifiying X, Y and Z scales for the block insertion (reference).

You can also use a combination of the COPYBASE and PASTEBLOCK commands and change the X-Y-Z scales of the pasted block in the Properties palette (Ctrl+1).

In any case, use EXPLODE the inserted non-uniform block back into the individual entities.

You can automate the non-uniform scaling process with the free ScaleXYZ Lisp utility available on Download. It contains the commands ScaleX, ScaleY, ScaleZ to scale entities in the individual directions.

100% *CAD
5.12.2007    90838×   FAQ  

See also:
Tip 11757:How to change blocks properties ex-post: annotative, allow exploding, scale uniformly
Tip 9793:How to change the "Scale uniformly" flag for all blocks?
Tip 9302:How to change elevation units in a map or GIS source?
Tip 6785:Move attributes in multiple blocks.
Tip 6210:Various types of anonymous blocks in AutoCAD.

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