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CAD tip CAD tip # 6692:


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XLS2Curve If you need to import a list of coordinates from Excel, generate blocks at computed coordinates, or draw a mathematic curve computed with Excel expressions, you may need the CADstudio Xls2Curve utility.

This tool imports coordinates (XY or XYZ) from a previously selected region in an opened (active) Excel sheet. From these 2D or 3D coordinates, it then creates points (Point), curves (LWPolyline, 3DPolyline), splines or block references (Insert) in your drawing. In the Excel table just mouse-select any contiguous range containing the point coordinates.

An example of import of the results from a mathematic expression describing a lemniscate curve (see the attached XLS sample):

List of coordinates X-Y in Excel

Imported spline curve in AutoCAD

Included is the complementary function Curve2Xls which exports coordinates (XY or XYZ) of curves and points to Excel (the selected cell of the running Excel sheet).

You can download the Xls2Curve utility at Download. The activation of this trial version (limited to 10 points) can be done with the XANADUREG command.

100% *CAD
25.5.2009    58169×  

See also:
Tip 14093:3D terrain model of any place in Czechia - elevation data by the Czech Land Survey Office (CUZK) into Civil 3D.
Tip 14059:Import coordinates from CSV files into Fusion profiles.
Tip 13692:What is the precision in Revit?
Tip 13333:"Zero length line" warnings or misplaced vertices when importing vertex coordinates from scripts.
Tip 13296:How to correctly load a KML/KMZ file into Civil or Map 3D?

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