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CAD tip CAD tip # 8187:


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If you want to switch off (disable) selection preview highlighting when you move cursor over objects in you DWG drawing, set the variable SELECTIONPREVIEW to 0 or 2.

You can also change this setting in the Options dialog, in the Selection tab, section "Selection preview" and the button "Visual effects".

Note: SELECTIONPREVIEW influences also other commands, e.g. the FILLET previews.

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See also:
Tip 14335:Convert TrueType text in an Inventor sketch to a contour curve.
Tip 14271:How to use the STRETCH command to resize an object to a specific size?
Tip 14250:How to select all lines of the same length or boundary polylines of the same area?
Tip 14232:How to find out the fillet radius of a 3D solid?
Tip 14226:Cannot select multiple objects with Shift, ribbon tab "Multiple" is displayed.

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