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CAD tip CAD tip # 8189:


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The automatic preview of fillet and chamfer of the selected edges during the commands FILLET and CHAMFER can be suppressed (switched off) with the system variable SELECTIONPREVIEW (not documented usage).

The values 0 and 1 disable previews, the values 2 and 3 enable previews.

Tip submitted by Ignacio Arrue

100% *CAD
5.9.2011    19088×  
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See also:
Tip 14232:How to find out the fillet radius of a 3D solid?
Tip 14192:MLfillet - how to fillet multilines in AutoCAD?
Tip 13040:iLogic - display information about complexity of an Inventor part.
Tip 12782:How to insert a character in Kanji or Pinyin into Fusion 360?
Tip 12248:How to remove fillet or chamfer from a 3D solid?

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