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CAD tip # 8280:
The display of these tabs can be switched off directly on them by right-clicking and choosing "Hide Layout and Model tabs" from the context menu. You can redisplay the tabs again using the model and layout icons on the bottom AutoCAD status bar - right-click the icon and confirm "Display Layout and Model Tabs":
You can control the tab display also from the Options dialog. On the Display tab you can find the checkbox "Display Layout and Model tabs".
Another way - suitable e.g. for scripts - is to use a control variable. The tab display is controlled by the environment variable ShowTabs. To switch the tabs On or Off, use the commands:
(setenv "ShowTabs" "1") (setenv "ShowTabs" "0")Or, in AutoCAD LT: SETENV ShowTabs 1.
Please note that some AutoCAD modes hide these tabs ans layout swithing is forbidden in them - e.g. in the block editor (BEDIT).