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CAD tip CAD tip # 8280:


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The tabs for quick switching between the model and the individual layouts are On by default and they display on the bottom of the drawing window.

The display of these tabs can be switched off directly on them by right-clicking and choosing "Hide Layout and Model tabs" from the context menu. You can redisplay the tabs again using the model and layout icons on the bottom AutoCAD status bar - right-click the icon and confirm "Display Layout and Model Tabs":

Display Model, Layout1 (CZ version)

You can control the tab display also from the Options dialog. On the Display tab you can find the checkbox "Display Layout and Model tabs".

Another way - suitable e.g. for scripts - is to use a control variable. The tab display is controlled by the environment variable ShowTabs. To switch the tabs On or Off, use the commands:

(setenv "ShowTabs" "1")  
(setenv "ShowTabs" "0")  
Or, in AutoCAD LT: SETENV ShowTabs 1.

Please note that some AutoCAD modes hide these tabs ans layout swithing is forbidden in them - e.g. in the block editor (BEDIT).

100% *CAD
23.10.2011    12002×  
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applies to: AutoCAD · AutoCAD LT ·

See also:
Tip 12049:AutoCAD display (status bar) jumps and flickers while zooming.
Tip 11780:How to rename layouts by a specific attribute of the title block?
Tip 10167:Keyboard shortcuts in Autodesk Fusion 360.
Tip 9265:RENAME on steroids - complex renaming of AutoCAD objects (blocks, layers...)
Tip 6904:Missing option "Include when adding sheets" in AutoCAD 2010?

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