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CAD tip CAD tip # 8281:


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It is possible to combine multiple fields in AutoCAD texts and block attributes - not only as an arithmetic expression but also as strings.

String concatenation of the results of multiple fields can be done by simple insertion of multiple fields in a row.

E.g. create a new block in BEDIT and add (define) a new attribute to it (ATTDEF). In the Attribute definition dialog, check the Preset option. In the input box Default, use right click and "Insert field" to add the first part of the resulting dynamic text - e.g. the Y-coordinate of the block insertion point. Type another part of the string, e.g. " / ". Right-click again and insert another field - e.g. the X-coordinate of the newly defined block. Etc. Complete the block definition.

An example of such block with concatenated fields in its dynamic attribute is the block "Bobo" (elevation label) in the Block Catalog.

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23.10.2011    23957×  
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applies to: AutoCAD · AutoCAD LT ·

See also:
Tip 14215:IF statement in AutoCAD text fields and attributes.
Tip 13006:Calculated property descriptions (tobogan slide from floor to floor)
Tip 12837:RenameCSV - rename layers, blocks, layouts, views, linetypes using Excel tables
Tip 12777:Arithmetic and trigonometric functions available in Revit expressions.
Tip 12470:A table with calculated expressions is suddenly dead, doesn't calculate and update.

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