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CAD tip CAD tip # 8880:


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You open a DWG drawing by double-click in Explorer, Total Commander or other file manager, AutoCAD displays it but displays also a second, empty file "Drawing1.dwg" ("Zeichnung1.dwg", "Dessin1.dwg", "Disegno1.dwg","Dibujo1.dwg", "Desenho1.dwg", "Rysunek1.dwg", "Výkres1.dwg", "Rajz1.dwg", "Чертеж1.dwg", "図面1.dwg" or similar).

This behaviour indicates an installation problem, or a damaged user profile, or a user-defined macro/script is running on startup. You can influence this behaviour by setting the STARTUP variable, but rather check the behaviour under a different user account and then perform a repair installation if needed.

AutoCAD should open the Drawing1 file only if you do not specify any DWG file to open.

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25.10.2012    23534×   FAQ  
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applies to: AutoCAD · AutoCAD LT ·

See also:
Tip 13861:How to get rid of drawing tabs under AutoCAD ribbon.
Tip 13513:How to quickly record a video from a CAD application or other Windows program? (replacing Screencast)
Tip 12837:RenameCSV - rename layers, blocks, layouts, views, linetypes using Excel tables
Tip 10759:How to publish a DWG to a PDF file without attaching "-Model" to its name?
Tip 7918:Launching AutoCAD without any drawing.

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