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CAD tip CAD tip # 8882:


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AutoCAD displays no ribbon (an empty top menu) and reports the error "The Ribbon does not have any tabs or panels currently loaded".

It is usually caused by a missing or damaged menu definition file - CUI or CUIx (e.g. ACAD.cuix or C3D.cuix) or an improperly set workspace.

A missing CUI file can be loaded with the CUILOAD command. A damaged CUIx file can be restored using the CUI command - right-click on the customization file name (top left) - e.g. "ACAD" - and from its context menu choose "Reset":

Reset CUI (CZ version)

Confirm the dialog with OK.

To select a proper workspace use the gear icon in the bottom bar or enter the WORKSPACE command and choose Setting.

100% *CAD
25.10.2012    43731×  

See also:
Tip 14226:Cannot select multiple objects with Shift, ribbon tab "Multiple" is displayed.
Tip 14135:New special code ^] for menu-macros, easy object selection.
Tip 13620:How to quickly rotate the view by 90° in AutoCAD LT?
Tip 13529:How to redefine the behavior of a standard AutoCAD command?
Tip 13274:How to switch the DWG TrueView viewer to the classic user interface, without ribbon?

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