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CAD tip CAD tip # 8161:


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When you run two copies of the same application on your PC, only one network license is consumed. Also only a single license is consumed when you launch (on the same PC) any number of applications of the same Autodesk Design Suite - e.g. Inventor, Showcase, AutoCAD, Max 2012.

But there are situations when two licenses are consumed from your license server. This occurs typically when you make use of the free licenses of 3 previous versions of your software (one of the subscription benefits).

If you own e.g. a network license of Design Suite 2012 (with the previous versions support) and you run two older versions of your applications with the same version number (e.g. AutoCAD 2011 and 3ds Max 2011), they will consume a single older license (Design Suite 2011). But if you launch e.g. Showcase 2012 and AutoCAD 2011, they will take two license (these two applications do not share a common "product"). Also two licenses will be consumed if you run concurrently AutoCAD 2010 and 3ds Max Design 2010, as there was no Design Suite for the version 2010 (so these are two separate products).

See also Autodesk TS16961119.

100% *CAD
24.8.2011    12657×  
applies to: DesignSuite · AutoCAD · Inventor · Revit · 3ds Max ·

See also:
Tip 13404:How to import an IFC file in AutoCAD?
Tip 11460:Mental Ray and Arnold is missing from my 3ds Max 2018.
Tip 11303:"Clock Error" when starting Autodesk CAD application.
Tip 11094:My school was not found when registering a student account.
Tip 11082:Wrong license cascading on Inventor in Product Design Suite 2017.

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