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CAD tip CAD tip # 9507:

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Easy selection of DWG backup files to restore.

A - answer If you need to quickly restore an older backup drawing file in AutoCAD, you can use the SureSave utility and its function "List and restore backup DWGs".

Start the SURESAVE command and click "All SureSaves" (any backup drawing) or "This SureSaves" (only backups of the current DWG) - you will get a list of all automatically stored backup drawings, sorted historically. Double-click a drawing file to restore it to a separate AutoCAD window.

See the complete procedure and options of the SureSave utility:

100% *  CAD 
19.10.2013    9074×  

See also:
Tip 13683:Limitations of the LISP language (AutoLISP, VisualLISP) in AutoCAD LT - what to watch out for
Tip 12592:How to automatically purge old backup files .BAK?
Tip 11170:Be an expert in saving of drawings.
Tip 9428:Save DWG drawing automatically after every N commands.
Tip 8778:How not lose edited DWG drawing even when closed without saving.

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