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Generate parametric mathematical 3D surfaces (meshes) in Fusion 360.

A - answer Using the freeware plugin Level Surface Mesh (on Autodesk Apps, by CodeReclaimers) for Autodesk Fusion 360 you can construct 3D mesh surfaces using mathematic equations of the type F(x,y,z)=0, i.e. as implicit surfaces.

You can use this tool for educational purposes (math visualization) but also in the design area - e.g. for creation of attractive architectural features, interior design, product design, sconces, for art design, etc.

After you install the plugin (and enable it in the dialog of Shift+S) you can generate 3D surfaces by selecting the function Level Surface Mesh in the menu 3D MODEL > CREATE. In its dialog, specify the minimum and maximum values of the parameters X, Y, Z and the main expression of the math equation describing the requested 3D surface (shape).

By confirming the OK button you will generate the resulting 3D mesh of the parametric object. For further processing, you may need to simplify this mesh using MESH > EDIT > Remesh. To convert the mesh to a solid (Brep body) use the procedures in the Tip 11387 or simplify it first in Autodesk ReCap or Meshmixer.

An example of an attractive 3D shape gives e.g. the equation:

0 = f(x,y,z) = 2*y*(y*y-3*x*x)*(1-z*z) + (x*x+y*y)*(x*x+y*y) - (9*z*z-1)*(1-z*z)

in the definition range of X,Y,Z: -2.0 to +2.0

A similar functionality is available in AutoCAD using the freeware utility 3DPlot.

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applies to: Fusion 360 360 ·

See also:
Tip 14075:Overview of CAD formats supported in Inventor 2025 (import/export/AnyCAD).
Tip 13800:Visually compare 3D geometry in CAD and BIM files.
Tip 13559:How to find the number of faces of a 3D mesh object in Fusion 360?
Tip 13472:How to convert the structure of a volumetric lattice to a real mesh body?
Tip 13402:Which products and features can I use for free with Flex Token licensing?

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