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How to disable downloads for a selected file in A360 Team?

A - answer In the default mode, all documents stored in your A360 Team projects are available to all project members for viewing, download, updates/uploads. If you want to limit download for a specific file - or its other actions: viewing versions, uploading updates, etc. - perform the following steps:
  1. Log in to your A360 Team hub
  2. Display preview of the file you want to limit (change)
  3. Expand the Actions menu and choose the command Edit Item properties

  4. In the Edit dialog expand the actions menu by clicking on the gear icon and uncheck the option Download or other actions you want to disable or enable for this file, and then click Post.

100% *  CAD 
3.7.2015    8843×  
Prices - CAD eShop:
applies to: A360 · BIM360/Fusion Team ·

See also:
Tip 11845:What is the difference between ShareDesignView (2017) and ShareView (2019) in AutoCAD?
Tip 10828:How to control download and installation of updates in Autodesk Desktop App?
Tip 10329:Easily share your Fusion 360 design.
Tip 10308:A360 Team: What happens with my project data after expiration of my account? (not renewing)
Tip 10296:Using cloud render in Fusion 360.

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