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Using cloud render in Fusion 360.

A - answer Not only from AutoCAD and Revit, but now also from the CAD/CAM application Autodesk Fusion 360 you can directly use the cloud rendering service available in the Autodesk 360 cloud. So you can create photorealistic renders of large models without any performance- and time-demands on your workstation.

The procedures of invoking the cloud render, choosing the size (resolution) of the output image or animation and its influence on consumption of cloud credits, the progress of rendering and downloading the resulting files are illustrated in the video on CAD Studio's YouTube channel:

You can achieve similar results also by manual uploading of an AutoCAD, Revit, 3ds Max, Navisworks or Fusion 360 file on the cloud rendering service URL - i.e.

Similarly, the resulting images, animations and turntables rendered from the Fusion 360 environment will automatically appear in your private gallery on

Many samples of 3D models and their rendered output from Fusion 360 can be found in the public gallery on

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30.4.2015    11146×  
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applies to: Fusion 360 360 · A360 ·

See also:
Tip 13557:How to create an image with transparent background in Fusion 360?
Tip 11909:Using luminiscent materials in AutoCAD 3D scenes.
Tip 10804:What features are not available in the 32-bit version of AutoCAD 2017 and 2016?
Tip 10219:Can Autodesk Fusion 360 make use of multicore CPUs?
Tip 9965:How to create a 360° spherical panorama of your CAD model?

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