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CAD tip CAD tip # 7318:


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As you approach to the point when the trial (unactivated) AutoCAD license expires (30 days between the installation and activation of your license), it may be neccessary to activate your license "on the fly", inside a running AutoCAD session (not on the AutoCAD launch).

You can perform the activation with the ABOUT command. Click the buttons About the product > Activate and you'll get to the dialog "Autodesk Licensing", which is usually displayed on AutoCAD startup:

License activation (CZ version)

Click the Activate button in this dialog. If you have received your activation code over e-mail, pick the option I have the activation code from Autodesk and in the numbered fields 1-16 enter the hexadecimal activation code from the e-mail. It is not neccessary to manually type-in the individual fields - just copy/paste the code as a single string (some fields may remain blank). By finishing the activation you will get back to your running AutoCAD session.

License active (CZ version)

100% *CAD
21.4.2010    64753×  

See also:
Tip 14307:How do I generate EDU licenses for the Autodesk license server?
Tip 12920:How to set up an account for Autodesk Construction Cloud products?
Tip 11508:AutoCAD problem in Windows 10 Anniversary update (F8 key)
Tip 11303:"Clock Error" when starting Autodesk CAD application.
Tip 9528:Using Autodesk Fusion 360 as a CAD converter.

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