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CAD tip CAD tip # 8289:


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Many of the Autodesk Navisworks functions can be invoked much faster using the predefined keyboard shortcuts instead of the ribbon menus. Here is the list of some useful functions assigned to keyboard shortcuts (not all shortcuts are available in all Navisworks variants):

Ctrl+0   Turns on Turntable mode
Ctrl+1   Turns on Select mode
Ctrl+2   Turns on Walk mode
Ctrl+3   Turns on Look around mode
Ctrl+4   Turns on Zoom mode
Ctrl+5   Turns on Zoom Box mode
Ctrl+6   Turns on Pan mode
Ctrl+7   Turns on Orbit mode
Ctrl+8   Turns on Examine (free orbit) mode
Ctrl+9   Turns on Fly mode

Ctrl+A   Displays the Append dialog
Ctrl+D   Toggles Collision mode (in the apropriate navigation mode)
Ctrl+F   Displays the Quick Find dialog
Ctrl+G   Toggles Gravity mode
Ctrl+H   Toggles Hidden mode for selected items
Ctrl+I   Displays the Insert file dialog
Ctrl+M   Displays the Merge dialog
Ctrl+R   Toggles Required mode for selected items
Ctrl+T   Toggles Third person mode
Ctrl+F1  Opens the Help system
Ctrl+F2  Opens the Clash Detective window
Ctrl+F3  Toggles the TimeLiner window
Ctrl+F4  Toggles the Presenter window
Ctrl+F5  Toggles the Animator window
Ctrl+F6  Toggles the Scripter window
Ctrl+F7  Toggles the Tilt window
Ctrl+F8  Toggles the Sectioning toolbar (classic UI)
Ctrl+F9  Toggles the Plan View window
Ctrl+F10 Toggles the Section View window
Ctrl+F11 Toggles the Viewpoints control bar
Ctrl+F12 Toggles the Selection Tree control bar
Ctrl+Home Dollies and pans the camera - view entire model
Ctrl+PgUp Displays the previous sheet
Ctrl+PgDn Displays the next sheet
Ctrl+UpArrow Record viewpoint animation
Ctrl+DownArrow Stop playing or recording animation
Ctrl+Space Pause playing or recording animation

PgUp     Zooms to view all objects in the Scene view
PgDn     Zooms to magnify all selected objects in the Scene view
Home     Enables view selected mode
F11      Toggles full screen mode
F12      Opens the Options editor

Shift+P  Activates the Pan tool on the Navigation bar
Shift+W  Opens the last used SteeringWheel
Shift+F1 Enables you to get context-sensitive help
Shift+F2 Toggles the Sets window
Shift+F3 Toogles the Find items window
Shift+F4 Toggles the Find Comments window
Shift+F6 Toggles the Comments control bar
Shift+F7 Toggles the Properties control bar
Shift+F10 Opens a Shortcut menu for the active dockable window
Shift+F11 Opens the File Options dialog box

Ctrl+Shift+A Opens the Animation Export dialog
Ctrl+Shift+C Opens the Export dialog box to export search
Ctrl+Shift+I Opens the Image Export dialog
Ctrl+Shift+R Opens the Export Rendered Image dialog
Ctrl+Shift+S Opens the Export dialog box to export search sets
Ctrl+Shift+T Opens the Export dialog box to export the current TimeLiner schedule
Ctrl+Shift+V Opens the Export dialog box to export viewpoints
Ctrl+Shift+W Opens the Export dialog box to export viewpoint report
Ctrl+Shift+Home Sets current view as Home
Ctrl+Shift+End Sets current view as Front

All other, standard Windows shortcuts apply as well (Alt+F4, Ctrl+S, Ctrl+N, etc.).

100% *CAD
28.10.2011    20931×  
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See also:
Tip 14316:How to redefine the HATCH command to start with the settings option?
Tip 14211:Cycle component color with a keyboard shortcut in Fusion.
Tip 14150:How do I search for a specific part by name in Fusion?
Tip 13861:How to get rid of drawing tabs under AutoCAD ribbon.
Tip 13822:Fast layer visibility toggle ON/OFF.

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