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CAD tip CAD tip # 8030:


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With the free AutoCAD add-on utility CADstudio Click2XLS you can automatically export all "clicked" coordinates to an Excel table.

Download Click2XLS from Download, load it with APPLOAD and start the CLICK2XLS command.

This either creates a new Excel table or connects to an existing (opened) table at the selected cell. Any clicked points will be then copied over to individual rows in the Excel sheet.

This video shows how it works:

Since version 1.4, Click2XLS also contains the Text2XLS command which transfers picked drawing texts to Excel (supports any text entities except table cells written in a TrueType font).

Since version 1.5 you can insert blank lines (the option "Blank") to the XLS table.

Since version 1.7 you can toggle between the row and column insertion modes for coordinates.

See also the XLS2Curve utility and Click2OO (for OpenOffice Calc).

Click2XLS and many other freeware tools are available on, other CAD videos on CADstudio's YouTube channel.

100% *CAD
9.6.2011    60697×  
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applies to: AutoCAD ·

See also:
Tip 14304:How to generate a report of used blocks including their visibility status in AutoCAD LT?
Tip 14059:Import coordinates from CSV files into Fusion profiles.
Tip 13784:Export block coordinates to a table. How to use the DATAEXTRACTION command in AutoCAD LT?
Tip 12926:How to import point coordinates from Excel to AutoCAD?
Tip 11913:Simple export of vertex-coordinates from a selected polyline.

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