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CAD tip CAD tip # 8269:


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If you use FILLET to join a plain Line to an existing Polyline with varying widths of its segments, the resulting new segment takes over the global polyline width - in the version 2011.

In the version 2012, this process keeps the null width of the newly attached segment. If you need to maintain the older behaviour, use the more suitable command JOIN - this command will join both lines in the old way.

100% *CAD
17.10.2011    11519×  
Prices - CAD eShop:
applies to: AutoCAD 2012 · AutoCAD LT 2012 ·

See also:
Tip 14192:MLfillet - how to fillet multilines in AutoCAD?
Tip 13040:iLogic - display information about complexity of an Inventor part.
Tip 10499:How to fillet edges between two 3D solids?
Tip 10167:Keyboard shortcuts in Autodesk Fusion 360.
Tip 7439:Extended FILLET functionality.

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