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CAD tip # 11223:
Select the drawing texts (line and paragraph texts, optionally also block attributes) and specify the ordering of clipboard texts. Then paste the copied DWG texts e.g. to Word or other application using the standard Ctrl+V (copy-paste).
The option "Attribs" toggles accepting attributes into the export. The texts are sorted to the Clipboard by default in the order of selection (as picked). Optionally you can order them by "X" (i.e. left-to-right), by "Y" (top-down), or by columns (top-down, then LTR). You can also preset automatic replacement of a given substring in the transferred texts.
By setting the variable _CCtextNoReformat you can disable automatic replacing of the control code \P with new-line in paragraph texts (MTexts).
(setq _CCtextNoReformat T)
You can download the CCtext (clipboard-copy text) application from Download, load it with APPLOAD and start it by typing the CCTEXT command.
See CCtext in a sample video: