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CAD tip CAD tip # 9336:

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Q - question

Dimensional value or resultant geometry is inconsistent with existing configuration.

A - answer This error message displayed when attempting to create a parallel geometric constraint (align) between a curve and a text (GCPARALLEL) may be caused by two factors.

  1. The curve is a part of another existing constraint (e.g. tangential) and this contraint was not created properly. Remove the tangent-constraint.
  2. The aligned text is using TrueType fonts - this can cause constrain problems in some cases. Temporarily change the text to use a SHX font, create the constraint and then change the text back to TrueType.
100% *  CAD 
15.7.2013    9894×  

See also:
Tip 14098:How to use arc length parameter in Inventor sketch?
Tip 14088:3 methods of creating true rectangles in AutoCAD.
Tip 13788:Green square - mathematical charade and parametric constraints in AutoCAD.
Tip 13185:Constraining object movement to a specified curve (rail) in AutoCAD.
Tip 12961:Bolt-nut constraint/joint in Fusion 360.

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