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CAD tip CAD tip # 11967:


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Drawing templates (template drawings, .DWT) are intended to be used for starting new DWG drawings, to preset standards, company-, project- or industry-specific settings, layers, styles, fonts, system variables, drawing frames and title blocks.

If some of these standards are changed subsequently and you need to update the existing, finished or partially finished drawings, you cannot just re-apply the template - the template is just a normal static initial drawing - but you can use the following two main approaches to perform the update.

  1. Select the whole existing drawing content and copy it to the Clipboard. Open a new drawing based on the new template a paste your drawing from the Clipboard into it, on the original coordinates. Due to possible problems with layouts, with reactors, with locked, invisible and special AEC objects, we do not recommend this method.
  2. The second option is using the Drawing Standards (DWS). Attach the new template with the STANDARDS command as a standard template and let AutoCAD automatically check any differences and violations of the new standards. We recommend to rename the DWT template file to the DWS extension, to keep it write-enabled and have it selectable in the Standards command dialog. In this way you can only update the supported drawing elements - layers, dimension styles, text styles, linetypes and any additional objects added to Standards as plugins.

The second option "standards" can be further simplified using the ReTemplate utility, where you just select the DWS/DWT/DWG file (the template) with new settings and the updated is performed automatically. Download ReTemplate from Download, load it with APPLOAD and run it by typing the RETEMPLATE command.

100% *CAD
2.8.2018    34330×  
applies to: AutoCAD · Civil 3D · AutoCAD Architecture ·

See also:
Tip 13056:How to copy DWG Properties from one drawing to another?
Tip 10647:AutoExec - how to store macros inside DWG drawings?
Tip 9800:How to change the default display style for Ortho views in Plant 3D?
Tip 9133:Drawing not created by a product from Autodesk Education Suite.
Tip 8788:Batch unification of page setups in DWG files.

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