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CAD tip CAD tip # 8829:


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The installation USB flash memory (key, dongle) used for distribution of Autodesk Design Suites is a read-only device and cannot be overwritten or formatted with standard methods.

If you want to "misuse" this USB memory to store your data you can "hack" it with internal reformatting, make it a standard R/W device.

E.g. Autodesk Product Design Suite Ultimate 2013 uses the USB key of the type "DaneElec zMate Aero" (blue) - see Dane-Elec - with the controller SM3254Q AE.

To overwrite this USB key you can use the utility SMI ReFixInfo. This tool can be downloaded here (file MI_ReFixInfo_1_0_0_1.7z).

Start the downloaded EXE and click "Reset Write Protect", W.P select Un-Write Protect. Then click Start.

Be warned! Make sure you have a backup copy of your original installation files. This procedure may lead to a damage of your USB key and is completely unsupported.

(by P.Hrazdil)

100% *CAD
26.9.2012    47554×  
Prices - CAD eShop:
applies to: DesignSuite2013 ·

See also:
Tip 14048:List of disks, CD-ROM drives, USBs and other disk functions for LISP.
Tip 11063:AutoCAD installation prompts to "Insert Disc 1".
Tip 9206:Free viewer for Autodesk Inventor files.
Tip 9032:How to install AutoCAD 2013 or Inventor 2013 in Windows 8?
Tip 8705:The easiest way to share DWG drawings online.

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