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CAD tip CAD tip # 7757:

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Maximum number of points in AutoCAD point clouds.

A - answer AutoCAD 2011, 2012 and 2013 (and Map and Civil 3D) supports max. 2 billion points in point clouds. From these 2 billions, only 1.5 bln points can be displayed at the same time in a single drawing (even with multiple clouds attached).

Typical LiDAR jobs contain millions up to hundreds millions points.

Since versions 2014, Autodesk products use the ReCap technology which is not limited in number of points and easily manages point clouds with more than 20 billion points.

100% *  CAD 
26.1.2011    10982×  

See also:
Tip 14075:Overview of CAD formats supported in Inventor 2025 (import/export/AnyCAD).
Tip 13021:Rotating model when hovering above a 3D point cloud. How to disable?
Tip 12938:How to convert a point cloud to a textured 3D model?
Tip 12325:How to display a DWG from Advance Steel including AS objects? (AST viewer)
Tip 12296:Loading a point cloud from a series of photos to Revit.

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