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CAD tip # 8973:
"MineSweeper3D" is a free game by CAD Studio, running in Inventor 2013 and 2012 (both 32- and 64-bit). It is similar to the classic Windows Minesweeper game but you control it inside a 3D assembly environment in Inventor.
Download MineSweeper3D from Download, install it through the appropriate MSI file, run Inventor and go to the Assembly > Assemble ribbon where you can run the "Mine Sweeper" with the "Start" button.
Now try to reveal all not-undermined cells in the battlefield of 10x10 cells (the size can be set in Settings, also the language of the game - CultureName). You can control the game by mouse double-clicks:
- Double-click on a non-revealed cell reveals it.
- Double-click on a revealed cell reveals all cells in neighborhood if neigborhood contains the right number of mines.
- Ctrl+double-click marks a cell as undermined. This cell cannot be revealed.
In-game video:
applies to: Inventor 2013 · Inventor 2012 ·