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CAD tip CAD tip # 3327:


 %  platform  category 
AutoCAD 2002/2000/i requires higher user rights in Windows. You need to be a member of the (at least) Power users group. See Control panel > Administrative tools > Computer management > Users and groups.

For AutoCAD 2004 (and higher) the normal user rights are enough.

From Jürgen Hiltebrandt:
Alternatively, you can try to assign Registry permissions for full access of normal users to the following Registry hives (for AutoCAD 2002):

(just right-click on the hive in REGEDIT and set the Permissions)
100% Win2000,WinNT,WinXPCAD
2.10.2003    86365×  

See also:
Tip 12131:Error: no function definition: VLAX-ENAME->VLA-OBJECT or VLAX-VLA-OBJECT->ENAME
Tip 11145:AutoCAD: Customization file load failed.
Tip 8209:How to install nVidia Performance Driver on a localized or vertical version of AutoCAD?
Tip 7151:Error 2738 while installing Design Review (or other app).
Tip 7085:Error: expected font (xxxx) is not available.

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