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CAD tip CAD tip # 3844:


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A drawing can contain "null" entities/objects like lines or arcs with zero length or texts containing only spaces.
An ideal tool to remove these entities is the KILLDOTS program (see Download). It removes short or null lines, polylines, arcs, circles with radius almost equal to 0 and empty texts.
100% *CAD
1.6.2004    20591×  

See also:
Tip 11511:Assigning elevations to 2D contours (isolines).
Tip 10976:DUP - easily duplicate AutoCAD drawing objects.
Tip 9081:Error: Bad DXF group: (10)
Tip 8927:How to exclude parts of the Inventor assembly from total mass?
Tip 8269:Connecting polylines by fillet - change in version 2012.

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