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CAD tip CAD tip # 3845:


 %  platform  category 
Start the new Layer Manager dialog (e.g. with the LAYER command). Press and hold the Shift+Ctrl keys and click on the "Inverse filter" option (lower-left corner). And voila - the Autodesk team presentation in a "Matrix style" is launched. You can control the playback using mouse right-click.

100% *CAD
1.6.2004    34578×  

See also:
Tip 5564:Easter Egg hidden in AutoCAD 2008.
Tip 3216:Easter egg hidden in Architectural Desktop 2004.
Tip 3143:Easter egg hidden in AutoCAD 2004 (and LT and Desktops).
Tip 3020:Easter egg in Autodesk Revit.
Tip 2800:Easter egg in Autodesk Express Viewer.

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