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CAD tip CAD tip # 3847:


 %  platform  category 
When starting a PC running Microsoft Windows XP Professional (or Home) Edition, there may not be any accounts listed on the login screen.
The problem occurs if a user changes the ASP.NET account from the type "limited" to the type "administrator" during installation of ASP .NET 1.1. This creates a new primary account but, since the ASP .NET account is not a normal system account, it does not appear on the login screen.
Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to login using the administrator account and then create the new user account.
100% WinXPCAD,HP
2.6.2004    6552×  
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See also:
Tip 10889:How to get user's full domain name, phone No., department, e-mail...
Tip 9032:How to install AutoCAD 2013 or Inventor 2013 in Windows 8?
Tip 7634:Linking AutoCAD and Twitter.
Tip 3738:What is the ASPNET user account for?

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