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CAD tip CAD tip # 3848:


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You cannot use a relative path if the xref is stored on a different disk (obviously) or network share than the main drawing, or if the main drawing was not yet saved to a named DWG file. Use disk letters, not UNC paths (\\server\folder).

In older AutoCAD versions please also check the name of the main folder - it should not contain spaces or other special characters.

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See also:
Tip 13064:How do I measure or enter distances along a curve in Fusion 360?
Tip 11376:Attaching a xref to AutoCAD DWG sets a relative path automatically, can I change it to absolute?
Tip 11053:Can I use the default parameter URL to reference a relative link?
Tip 9276:AutoCAD reports some xrefs as "Unresolved".
Tip 7549:DEPENDS - displaying file dependencies in a DWG drawing.

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