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CAD tip CAD tip # 5255:


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Standard paper formats are used for printing - the most widely used are the formats A (A0-A10) and B (B0-B10) - and the format line C (envelopes, C0-C10).

The format series "A" (ISO 216, DIN 476, ANSI/ASME Y14.1m-1995) begins on the size A0 with the area of 1m2. The aspect ratio of its sides (height/width) is the square root of 2 (ã2, 1.4141).

The sizes of the "B"-line are geometric mean of the same and the nearest higher format of the A line. The sizes of the "C"-line are geometric mean of the same formats from the A- and B-lines.

The sizes of the A- and B-formats (in mm) are following:

4A01682 x 2378 --
2A01189 x 1682 --
A0841 x 1189 B01000 x 1414
A1594 x 841 B1707 x 1000
A2420 x 594 B2500 x 707
A3297 x 420 B3353 x 500
A4210 x 297 B4250 x 353
A5148 x 210 B5176 x 250
A6105 x 148 B6125 x 176
A774 x 105 B788 x 125
A852 x 74 B862 x 88
A937 x 52 B944 x 62
A1026 x 37 B1031 x 44

Oversize formats:

A1.0594 x 1189
A2.0420 x 1189
A2.1420 x 841
A3.0297 x 1189
A3.1297 x 841
A3.2297 x 594

In drivers, plotter model names, etc, you can find also the US formats:

E864 x 1118
D559 x 864
C432 x 559
B279 x 432
A216 x 279
Letter216 x 279
Legal216 x 356
Ledger279 x 432

100% *HP,PLT
31.10.2006    56045×   FAQ  
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See also:
Tip 14088:3 methods of creating true rectangles in AutoCAD.
Tip 13911:How to print all sheets at once from Inventor?
Tip 13773:What is the maximum paper size when plotting from AutoCAD?
Tip 13228:DWG or DXF file exported to/from Fusion 360 has incorrect size (scale, 10x larger/smaller).
Tip 10556:AutoCAD 2015 and 2016 do not allow to select paper size for Designjet T120/T520.

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