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CAD tip CAD tip # 7953:


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Instead of the PAPER/MODEL button (in the bottom AutoCAD status bar) and instead of mouse-double-clicking, you can also switch the paperspace and model with a keyboard shortcut.

There is no predefined AutoCAD keyboard shortcut for this, but you can add your own.

Start the CUI editor and use the "star with an asterisk" button to add a new command. Name it e.g. "PaperModel" and use the following DIESEL command as its macro:


Now go to the CUI section Keyboard shortcuts > Shortcut keys and mouse-drag here your PaperModel command from the command list. On the right in the Properties > Access > Hotkey, assign the requested shortcut to this command, e.g. Ctrl+Alt+P. Finish the CUI dialog.

Now you can toggle model/paper spaces in your layouts just by pressing Ctrl+Alt+P.

In older AutoCAD versions you can add the shortcut in the section ACCELERATORS in your .MNU file

100% *CAD
4.5.2011    22011×  

See also:
Tip 14417:Quick calculator on an AutoCAD keyboard shortcut.
Tip 14316:How to redefine the HATCH command to start with the settings option?
Tip 14281:Mapped network drives (S:, T:, X:, etc.) are not available in my CAD application.
Tip 14211:Cycle component color with a keyboard shortcut in Fusion.
Tip 14150:How do I search for a specific part by name in Fusion?

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