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CAD tip CAD tip # 11278:


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Since AutoCAD 2016, the original rendering engine computing photorealistic visualizations of 3D scenes - "mental ray" - was replaced by a new, easier to use Autodesk kernel - "Rapid RT", resp. "Autodesk Raytracer".

If you are using an AutoCAD 2016 family product and you want to switch to the older, original mental ray kernel, with more detailed rendering paramaters, set the undocumented variable RENDERENGINE to the value 0 (zero).

This setting is no more available in version 2017 and higher.

100% *CAD
23.1.2017    7570×  
Prices - CAD eShop:
applies to: AutoCAD 2016 ·

See also:
Tip 11460:Mental Ray and Arnold is missing from my 3ds Max 2018.
Tip 8529:How to use CUDA GPU to accelerate rendering in 3ds Max?
Tip 7018:Trees are not rendered in my Revit project.
Tip 5516:Missing 3DSOUT command in AutoCAD 2009/2008/2007.
Tip 5205:Which Autodesk products use the Mental Ray technology?

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