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CAD tip CAD tip # 7511:


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You can disable the interactive hatch previews - e.g. for large drawings or on a slower computer - with the HPQUICKPREVIEW variable. Set it to Off. This will make the hatch command more responsive and faster.

If you want to revert to the original older hatch dialog panel, set the system variable HPDLGMODE to 1.

100% *CAD
20.8.2010    31050×  

See also:
Tip 11751:toMulti converts polylines to multi-lines driven by a definition table.
Tip 11538:AutoCAD will not create a specific hatch in a given scale or area.
Tip 11386:Hatches in AutoCAD 2015 (and higher) do not display linetypes.
Tip 9954:Selecting hatch borders performs zoom out.
Tip 9149:Total area of selected regions or hatches (by layer) - AddArea

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