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CAD tip CAD tip # 4566:


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Also in plain AutoCAD (without any add-ons or vertical flavours) you can use (since the version 2006) the bill-of-materials (parts- or block-list) functionality. Use the attribute extraction tool - EATTEXT (since A2002) or the DATAEXTRACTION wizard (since A2008).

This command creates a table containing information about the individual references of selected blocks. This table (table object inserted in the drawing) is automatically updated on any change in the drawing (the blocks).

For older AutoCAD versions or LT you can use e.g. Excellink.

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applies to: AutoCAD 2009 · AutoCAD 2008 · AutoCAD 2006 ·

See also:
Tip 11896:How to drive dyn.block parameters or constraints from Excel?
Tip 10693:List of blocks (incl. nested blocks) used in a DWG drawing.
Tip 6724:Automatically generated picture-legend of drawing blocks.
Tip 820:How to link block attributes with an Excel sheet?

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