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CAD tip CAD tip # 8566:


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WS With AutoCAD 360 (Web, WS, web-cloud version of AutoCAD) you can edit a single DWG drawing from multiple computers at the same time. All users can see all drawing changes in real time, including all zooms and pans, and all cursor movements by remote users participating in the particular concurrent-editing session. The editing can be performed in the mobile or browser versions of the CAD application available on The changes are stored in a single DWG file and you can use the Timeline history to revert them back to one of the previous versions of the DWG file.

The edited DWG drawing is stored in the web-cloud storage of the "Autodesk 360" service (in the account of the initiator of the session). This online drawing can be automatically synchronized with the desktop version of AutoCAD.

An example of such concurrent editing session can be seen on the CAD Studio's YouTube channel:

A related functionality of concurrent viewing of two drawings in a single AutoCAD session is provided by the DWGsync add-on tool.

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applies to: AutoCAD · DWG · ACADWS · AutoCAD 360 · ACADweb ·

See also:
Tip 14007:Workaround for the missing (vlax-create-object) in AutoCAD LT (voice, clipboard, etc.)
Tip 14006:Universal MsgBox in AutoLISP.
Tip 8705:The easiest way to share DWG drawings online.
Tip 8618:Mapping Autodesk Cloud (AutoCAD WS) as a network disk drive.
Tip 8606:Configuring remote printing from AutoCAD WS Mobile.

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